Tag: WHO

Why Zika’s Emergency Status Downgrade is Bad

In a declaration of defeat, the World Health Organization (WHO) no longer considers Zika a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Although this may seem like good news, this decision in fact reflects the severity of Zika’s rapid transition from obscurity to a permanent threat to human health. The disease now joins the ranks of HIV, XDR-TB, Ebola, Marbug, Dengue and an exhaustive list of other killers that have spread around the world in record time.

The escalation in severity has been remarkable. First documented nearly seventy years ago, Zika was originally considered harmless. 80% of those originally infected demonstrated no physical symptoms.…

The Global Cost of Diabetes has Reached Unprecedented Levels

Diabetes has been a global health issue for the past two decades and the situation has only deteriorated with the latest reports from the Imperial College of  London, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, The World Health Organization as well as the International Diabetes Federation calling for a global emergency. Over 415 million people suffer from Diabetes in the world, a significant increase from the 108 million in 1980. This still pales in comparison to the 2040 estimates soaring over the 640 million mark.

Source: International Diabetes Federation

Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases caused by a prolonged period of high blood sugar (Glucose) levels.…